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Monday, 16 April 2012

How to Get Your Best Friend Back ! 14 steps

If you and your best friend constantly get in fights, but you know this is a huge fight, then you have to take a break from each other.

Always forgive and forget. Never hold a grudge.

Apologize for whatever you might have done to cause this.

Ask to be friends again, but don't yell and pout if your friend says no! Just try to forget about it and let your friend think it over.

If it was something your friend did instead of you, don't worry. If it was a true friend, he or she will come and ask to be your friend again.

Just be yourself and tell them what's wrong. Tell them if you think that they've done something or say sorry if you have done something.

If you don't know why they don't like you anymore, ask them and if they say no, then just try your best to fix things.

Always smile and be confident in yourself.

Be very nice to your friend and if anybody talks behind her or his back, tell them to stop.

Never talk bad about that person.

If you hear something that another person says, ask your friend before you judge her or him.

If they don't want to be friends, let them go. It will be hard, but it's for your own benefit, hang around with new people and don't care what anyone else thinks about you; be strong, independant and make sure they know you aren't weak and that you can stand on your own two feet. Most of all : Be Yourself!

Never let this friend get more angry about you ask them your mistake and tell them so you can fix it and give you a chance to be friends again and start a new page of friendship.

Never spread rumours about this person or gossip.

Take Care Of Your Mind !

Being in good health means more than feeling physically well; it also means feeling mentally well.
Today, we are more aware of how our mental and physical health affect each other. Setting aside time to focus on mental health is important – to you and those who care about you. By practicing mind and body fitness, you can nurture your mind, body and spirit in a positive and enjoyable way.
Life is full of change, risks and challenges. Good mental or emotional health helps us find our balance and stay in control, even during turbulent times. But how do we know if we are mentally healthy enough to deal with life’s ups and downs?
Get Mentally Fit
If your goal is to get into better shape mentally, then this new section is the place for you to discover how.  So read on!
A range of other options is available to help you improve your mental fitness, including self-help books, support groups, relaxation therapy, meditation, and talk or behavioural therapy. Talking to a mental health professional, or other health care provider, can help you identify what type of support you will benefit from most.
If you need more information about resources in your area, contact a community organization, such as the Canadian Mental Health Association, to help you find additional support.
Take control of your health.  Take care of your mind.
Practice Mind + Body Fitness

How To Take Care of Your Hair : 10 steps

Step 1

[G]et yourself a really good quality hair brush. Don’t just use some badly made hair brushes, or old brushes with broken or uneven teeth, as they can snag your hair and cause breakage. Ideally, get yourself a brush with boar bristles, or a brush with bristles made out of bamboo. These types of brushes are much kinder to your hair, and help to evenly spread your natural oils through your hair, and bring a beautiful, luscious shine to it.

Step 2

[I]f you have tangles, don’t just yank any old brush through them. Use only a wide-toothed comb to disentangle your hair. Fine-toothed combs are just terrible for your hair; it splits the hair shafts! Not only this but using a fine-toothed comb can damage your roots, as well.
So, especially when your hair is wet – use a wide-toothed comb to brush your hair.

Step 3

[T]his is counter-intuitive for most women – but, when you brush your hair, start brushing it from the ends first, and gradually move upwards with the comb or brush. This will do wonders for helping you get the knots out, and will cause a lot less breakage! A lot of the time, brushing your hair from the roots down just puts more stress on your hair, and makes knots worse!
And, when brushing your hair, do it gently :) and don’t yank the brush through in a hurry – make some time before work, or before whatever daily commitments you have, to brush your hair gently, forming it in to a beautiful, shiny crown of glory! Don’t dig your brush in to your scalp, either. Gently does it!
And, as much as you can – let your hair dry naturally and avoid brushing your hair when it is wet. When your hair is wet, it is much weaker because it swells and stretches like an elastic band, and brushing it in this state can cause the hair follicles to snap.

Step 4

[P]ay special attention to the ends of your hair. Most women do so much damage to their hair by curling it, straightening it and putting hundreds of different styling products in it! Even if you DO use heat protection, your hair can suffer. So, remember to put a little bit of oil on the ends of your hair every now and then – perhaps once a week or once a fortnight, whatever suits you. This will help restore moisture, strength to your hair and give it that ‘bouncy’ effect.

Step 5

[Y]ou need to regularly and properly condition your hair. I don’t mean using just the standard conditioners like pantene or sun silk, but actually deeply condition your hair with a high quality oil that actually penetrates the roots. See my post on ‘Achieving Feminine Beauty and Healthy with Coconut Oil‘ for a conditioning method using virgin coconut oil.Most women who know how to take care of their hair know that most of the time, the most natural things can have the greatest benefits – and, they’re cheaper to use, too! :)
Most modern shampoos contain a whole host of chemicals and ingredients in them! A lot of these chemicals and ingredients actually dry out your hair. If you want to use shampoo, go with an organic shampoo – or with a high quality shampoo range such as Aveda or Carita (a beautiful french shampoo range). These two ranges are much more expensive than the conventional shampoo products you buy in the supermarket or in chain haircare stores, but you will most definitely notice the difference in your hair!

Step 6

[I]f you want to grow your hair long, regularly massage your scalp with the pads of your fingers in a slow, circular motion. If you like, you can even use an essential oil, or a little bit of virgin coconut oil, or olive oil to massage your scalp. Massaging the scalp helps encourage circulation, and helps make your hair grow.

Step 7

[R]efrain from washing your hair every day – another surefire way to completely dry out your hair, and strip it of its natural oils. Your hair produces oil not because it’s dirty but because it protects your hair, and helps keep it strong. Have you ever noticed that when your hair is oily, it gets tangled up a lot less, and it is actually stronger? It’s because your hair and body knows what it’s doing – and is trying to help your hair by conditioning it with its own oils!
The more you let your hair get oily, the faster and stronger it will grow. Let your hair have this process.
A little trick
And, if the greasy look really bothers you – just get some baby powder, and put it on your hair, and brush it through! It absorbs the oils of your hair. You’ll be amazed at how well this little trick works and actually takes away the greasy look completely! .
If you have dark hair – the baby power will most likely show up when you use it. So the Toni and Guy spray-on products will be a great alternative to baby powder.

Step 8

[W]hen drying your hair, never, ever wrap the towel around the length of it and scrub, rub, or wring the hair!! No, no no! This can damage the hair shaft! Just take the towel, wrap it around your hair gently and pat-dry it. This is much easier on your hair, and not to mention it won’t produce as many knots or tangles in the length of your hair!

Step 9

[I]f your hair is long, and if you are growing it longer, make sure you tie it back when you go to sleep at night, or even braid it. This helps to stop knots and tangles. You can even use a hair net or a silk hair cap when you sleep, to keep it all in place and to stop it from spreading all over the place.
Satin or silk pillow cases can help, too – they are much softer on the hair and helps to stop breakage and yanking of the hair overnight if you toss-and-turn in your sleep a fair bit.

Step 10

[A]void washing your hair in very hot water. Most people have outrageously hot showers, and wash their hair in the same extremely hot water. The excessive heat can cause damage to your hair.
If you have the money, also invest in a water filter for your shower head to filter out any harsh chemicals that are damaging to your hair, such as chlorine, in the water.
I use a shower filter at home, and not only has it made a difference to my hair – it’s made anenormous difference to the state of my skin! Instead of having bits of dry skin peeling off my face when I step out of the shower, my skin still remains soft and healthy, ever since I used a shower filter. There can be some pretty harsh chemicals in the water you use to shower, so seriously consider this option.
Dr. Mercola makes really good shower filters, and this is the one I use at home, made by him: Pure and Clean Shower Filter. Please note: we have absolutely no affiliation with Dr. Mercola; he’s just a really cool natural doctor whose made a huge difference in the lives of millions of people through his thorough and passionate research in to natural health. :)
I hope this post has helped you know more about how to take care of your hair, and I’m sure I’ve missed some great tips, so if you have any more good tips for hair care, please add them, and share them in the comments section!
Have a LOVELY day! :)

Saturday, 14 April 2012

How to Take Good Care of Your Body for Tween Girls....

Eat healthily. Instead of eating lots of junk food, replace it with healthy options, such as carrots and dips instead of a packet of corn chips. This gives you the vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy and give you the energy you need for the day. Remember not to skip breakfast no matter how much of a rush you are in, it is the most important meal of the day.

Exercise. Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes per day. Exercise helps you burn off fat and also keeps you fit. Exercise doesn't have to be boring though. Try walking the dog, going swimming or skating with friends.

Shower regularly. And don't just stand under the water. Use a good body and facial soap and washer to wash yourself thoroughly. Shave if you need to and wash your hair.

Smell good. But smelling good is another important part of good hygiene. Perfume is not absolutely necessary except if you really want it, a good antiperspirant deodorant will do.

Take care of your nails- Cut, clean and file your nails regularly to make sure they stay hygienic. You can also paint your nails in a variety of colours if you want, which is lots of fun.

Be happy with yourself and smile!

7 Steps to take care of your face....

The first thing you should do when caring for your face is to get into a routine of cleansing it. Twice a day with your optimal product will fight many of the most common skin problems and leave your face feeling healthy and looking great. Blemishes on your face can be combated by either the use of a product or an organic solution. Deciding which to use really depends on your skin type and acne severity. More sensitive skin may need a gentler product, while less sensitive skin may require a harsher product to see results. Clearasil and Proactive are popular choices for use on acne, though there are countless to choose from at your local drugstore. For those who prefer an organic method, lemon juice, dandelion sap, honey, and other materials have proven to work as well.

Take care of facial hair. This ensures a fine facial structure and clean look. Keep your eyebrow lines neat, upper lip hair and chin hair groomed. To trim eyebrows, meet with a professional who can wax or pluck your eyebrows. They really do the best job, and will make sure that you don't take too much off, as this can lead to problems in the future. If you want to do it yourself, take a wash cloth soaked in hot water and press it onto the area where you are about to remove the hair. Then remove the few stray hairs with tweezers. Do this every night before bed for best results.

Moisturize. If you have dry skin, you especially need to make sure that your face is getting the moisture it needs. Use a gentle moisturizer to keep your skin feeling soft and glowing.

Make sure to drink lots of water. Your body needs plenty of hydration during the day to keep removing wastes and oils from your face. You should probably drink eight glasses of water a day.

Don't touch your face. Many people have bad habits of messing with acne or leaning their face on their hands. Your hands have oils on them that will clog pores, increasing blemishes. No matter how tempting it might be, don't pop pimples or interfere with anything facial- though it may seem like it will make it better, it actually makes it much worse and instead of dealing with a two day pimple you now have a two week long project. A tip here is changing your pillow case often- the oils linger on the fabric, getting on your face during the night.

Take care of your lips. Use a lip hydrator often and make sure to moisturize your lips. A simple way to do this is to rub a sugar-and-water solution on them and then moisturize, as the sugar removes dead cells and rejuvenates the lips. Keep a stick of lip moisturizer on you at all times and use throughout the day. Be careful not to use too much Chapstick though. Your lips can literally get addicted to the chemicals that prevent/heal chapped lips; they will stop making that chemical themselves, and it's a painful addiction to break!

Protect your face from the sun by using sunblock every day. Ultraviolet rays will damage your skin over time and it's essential that you protect your face from harmful radiation. Use a good sunscreen or makeup with sunscreen in it, even a little, before going out, and you will have fresh, healthy skin. Another way to protect yourself is to wear clothing that will cover you, like a hat.

Friday, 13 April 2012

7 Steps to be more Glamorous

Don’t you wish to be the center of attraction among the boys? Don’t you secretly dream of heads turning in your direction when you enter a party? Don’t you wish that people should compliment you about your looks? Guess what, looking glamorous is not really that tough. Everyone has certain flaws in them, nobody is perfect. The trick is to manage to get the attention off your flaws and highlight your assets. Intrigued? Read ahead and find out how.

1. Look after your body

First and foremost, when someone looks at you, even from a distance, your body is the first thing to come into notice. A fat, flabby body gives a negative first impression. Work on your fitness and remove all the excess fat. That doesn’t mean that you starve yourself. An anorexic body is equally a turn off. Instead, follow a healthy diet and avoid junk food. Take up an exercise such as aerobics, gym, yoga or dancing. Once you have a great body, people will find you gorgeous at the very first glance.

2. Pamper your hair

A girl’s hair is probably the most beautiful thing about her. In order to look stunning, focusing on your hair style is of prime importance. You can style it in many different ways. Your hair can instantly make you appear gorgeous. So take extra care of your beautiful tresses. Make sure that your hair style perfectly suits your face. Experiment on haircuts and colors. Try curling it, straightening it or simply giving it natural waves. Accessorize using bows, headbands, head gears, hair clips, and scarves to get great looking hair.

3. Dress right

Understand your body shape and dress accordingly. Wear classy clothes that suit your body type and your personality. Use makeup that makes you look more elegant. Use stylish accessories to complete your look. Even if you don’t have a celebrity look, right clothes can make you look sophisticated and sexy.

4. Care for your skin

Take special care of your skin. Follow a good skin regimen, depending upon the type of your skin. Pamper not only the facial skin but also the whole body. Be gentle with your skin and your skin will make you look beautiful.

5. Get rid of unwanted hair

This goes to hair other than that on your head and your eyebrows. The rule goes like this, men are supposed to be hairy, not women. Facial hair or hair on the hands or legs, look unkempt and gross. So make sure, you remove unwanted hair regularly.

6. Take good care of hands and legs

Ensure that you do your manicure and pedicure regularly. Apply a good moisturizer and don’t allow the skin on the arms and feet look dry. Use good color nail paints to decorate.

7. Smile bright

Smiling adds an extra element of attractiveness to your face. It makes you look so much more desirable and approachable. So no matter what, don’t let that beautiful smile leave your lips, because you can take people’s hearts away just with a smile.

 1. Know your body size

“The worst fashion and dressing blunder that any woman can make is wear clothes that are way too small or way too big for her”, said Sharon, a 26-year old retail assistant, who works all day just getting women clothes that match their size. We have to agree with Sharon’s advice because wearing clothes that are too small or too big for you will lead to a bad first impression. Every time you go shopping for clothes, remember your body size and measurements to buy clothes that will fit you now, not tomorrow, not yesterday.

2. Accessorize well

“The right accessory can make even a dull dress look great. That is why, I suggest to most of my customers to have an accessory in mind while they shop for their clothes”, said Sharon. The point is that you should have different accessories for different dressing styles. Remember ladies, a wrong accessory can spoil the look of even the best of dresses.

3. Skinny jeans can never go wrong

“I often say to my customers that skinny jeans are a woman’s best friend. You can wear a nice shirt and a jacket over skinny jeans at a formal function or simply put on a bright t-shirt on a casual outing”, exclaimed Sharon. She also mentioned that every woman should have the perfect fitting skinny jeans in her closet and it is the most important dressing rule that you all should remember. “Skinny jeans will often come in handy when you don’t know what to wear. They are your safest bet”, added Sharon.

4. If you’re going to flaunt it, wear good lingerie

Are you going to wear a dress that may show off a bit of your intimate apparel? Then you better make sure that you are wearing high quality and good looking lingerie because shabby intimate apparel is often the biggest turn off a woman can give. “Shabby intimate apparel is the personality disaster that every woman wants to avoid. On the other hand, if you think that your dress has a low neck and your bra might show, wear sexy lingerie because your intimate apparel tells a lot about you”, said Sharon who also thinks that great lingerie can make a woman feel more confident. This dressing rule for women is worth keeping in mind, isn’t it?

5. Control your cleavage

How much cleavage a woman decides to show is really none of anyone’s business but the fact is, that men and women alike may often judge you by the amount of cleavage you show. “No matter how elegant your dress is, you may draw negative comments about your personality if you show too much cleavage. Do you know what successful business women and celebrities with a great personality have in common? They all seem to be experts in judging what amount of cleavage works best”, chuckles Sharon. Are we taking notes about this important dressing tip for women, friends?

Nilai sEorang SaHabaT !!!!

Seorang sahabat tahu kelemahan kita, tapi dia sentiasa menguatkan kita.

Seorang sahabat tahu kekhuatiran kita, tapi dia sentiasa menenangkan kita.

Seorang sahabat tahu kegembiraan kita, dan dia mampu tersenyum gembira bersama.

Seorang sahabat tahu kedukaan kita, dan dia mampu mencari penawarnya.

Seorang sahabat peka dengan perasaan kita, di setiap saat dan ketika.

Seorang sahabat menerima kita seadanya di kala orang lain memandang jelek terhadap kita.

Seorang sahabat tahu menilai kita, yang mana kaca dan yang mana permata.

Seorang sahabat dapat membaca hati kita, walau ia tertutup rapat serapatnya.

Seorang sahabat mampu mendidik kita lebih baik dari guru terhebat di dunia.

Seorang sahabat mampu memberikan yang terbaik di kala kita memberikan yang terburuk.

Seorang sahabat mampu memahami kita, lebih dari seisi dunia.

Seorang sahabat mampu berkongsi tangisan kita, walau di saat dia paling bahagia.

Seorang sahabat mampu melindungi kita, walau terkorban dirinya.

Seorang sahabat adalah pembimbing, pendidik, teman, kawan, rakan, kenalan, dan bisa juga dijadikan keluarga.

Seorang sahabat tidak mengharapkan apa-apa. Memberi tanpa meminta balasannya.


"Never explain - your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway. "

"Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand. "